Just some pictures of the garden from July 19, 2008
Corn. This is popcorn "dakota black". This is part of an experiment to see how people used to grow corn, beans, and squash together in one patch. The beans didn't come up in this end but this is how we learn..
Around the margin here we have some sunflowers and scarlet runner beans. The scarlet runner beans are the only ones to come up and it will be interesting to see what these taste like as frijoles
Cucumbers climbing a trellis
And of course, Tomatoes! I'm getting ready to can these guys right now. We have an assortment of cultivars stupice, early girl, celebrity, roma, shady lady, and a few types of cherry tomato. I think there's a cherokee purple in there or two. Planting some shady lady as an insurance policy payed off because they seem to survive the 108 degree (42c) heatwave we had last week. I wasn't here I was shivering on the equator in Nairobi!